June Outreach Orientation Training is required for all new NCFHP-funded outreach workers. This year’s training will be virtual – approximately half of the work will consist of participation in live, virtual meetings which will take place on June 8-10, 2020. The other half of the work will consist of reading materials and watching videos and pre-recorded webinars (listed below).
Materials are organized by date – please complete by that date as we will discuss (and in some cases test) those topics then. Approximate amount of time for each section is listed so you can plan accordingly.
General Overview of NCFHP & Farmworker Population
(approximately 2 hours)
Required Reading:
- NCFHP Website (Explore and Review)
- Outreach Manual: Chapter 1: Getting Started (Overview of FW Health Program) (10 pgs.)
- Outreach Manual: Chapter 2: About Farmworkers (6 pgs.)
- Outreach Manual: Chapter 3: Outreach (8 pgs.)
Required viewing:
- NCFHP Explained (video, 1:16 min)
- Cultivando Salud (video, 9:35 min)
- Harvest of Dignity (video, 30 min)
Content & Knowledge AKA: Nuts and Bolts of Outreach Work
(approximately 5 hours)
Required Reading for Competency Exam:
HEALTH EDUCATION MODULES (*starred modules and webinars include information that will be on the test)
- Heat Illness (5 pgs.)*/Enfermedades por el calor (Español) (6 paginas)
- Pesticides (5 pgs.)*/ Pesticidas (Español) (5 paginas)
- Hypertension (4 pgs.)*
- Diabetes (6 pgs.)*
Required viewing:
- Pesticidas y la Ley de Protección del Trabajador (WPS) para Trabajadores Agrícolas (video, 22 min, español)
- Los Pesticidas y los Trabajadores del Campo* (webinario, 30 min, español)
- Enfermedades por Calor * (webinario, 8 min, español)
- Enfermedades Crónicas* (webinario, 1 hora, español)
- COVID presentation (webinario, 30 min, español) (see video links for COVID-19 videos below – videos in the webinar have no sound)
- LGBT Healthcare Training Video: “To Treat Me, You Have to Know Who I Am” (video, 10:18 min) NYC Health and Hospitals, May 2011
- Achieving Health Equity for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) People (video, 46 min, English)
Videos to watch with webinars above:
COVID-19 videos (included in webinar above)
- “Enfermedad del Coronavirus 2019 – Cómo protegerse a si mismo y a otros“
- “Reconocer los Síntomas de la Enfemedad del Coronavirus“
Diabetes (included in webinar above)
Series of short videos from Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine. (click “more” to watch or download in Spanish)
Hipertension (included in webinar above)
Enfermedades de Calor (not included in webinar above)
- 1) Qué son las enfermedades relacionadas con el calor? (2 mins)
- 2) Calambres por Calor (2 mins)
- 3) Deshidratación (2 mins)
- 4) Desmayo (8 mins)
- 5) Repaso (2 mins)
Pesticides (28 min) (not included in webinar above)
Complementary Reading:
- Outreach Manual: Chapter 4: Health Assessments (6 pgs.)
- Promoting Health Care Access to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Farmworkers (7 pgs.)
- Improving the Health Care of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender People: Understanding and Eliminating Health Disparities (10 pgs.)
- LGBTQIA+ Glossary of Terms for Health Care Teams
- NCFHP Health Assessments (Adult, Adolescent, Pediatric, COVID and regular)
- AIR Form
The Details AKA: Nitty Gritty: Case Management, Documentation & Behavioral Health
(approximately 1 hour)
Required Viewing:
- COVID and Behavioral Health (5min / English)
- Behavioral Health (17 min / English)
Complementary Reading:
Outreach Manual – Chapter 6: Case Management (7 pgs)