The following modules were developed by the NC Farmworker Health Program on health topics relevant to the farmworker population, including occupational hazards. The modules are designed for self-study for new staff, volunteers and interns. as well as for continuing education and reference for existing outreach staff. Each module contains:
- Self-assessment/Pre-test
- Supporting information for study
- Self-assessment/Post-test
- Sample lesson for a learning session with farmworkers, including teaching objectives and activities based on adult/empowerment/popular education principles
- Recommended resources
Heat Illness /Enfermedades por el calor (español)
Pesticides / Pesticidas (español)
Green Tobacco Sickness / Enfermedad del tabaco verde (español)
HIV and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) / VIH y enfermedades de transmision sexual (ETS) (español)
Nutrition / Nutrición (español)
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