North Carolina Organizations
Legal Aid of NC: Farmworker Unit
The Farmworker Unit is a statewide project of Legal Aid of North Carolina that provides high-quality civil legal services to address the special legal needs of migrant and seasonal farmworkers in North Carolina.
NC Community Health Care Association – Special Populations Health Workgroup
This workgroup addresses topics of greatest need and interest identified by frontline workers and their supervisors at health centers serving special populations. The group shares promising practices and exchanges resources in order to facilitate the delivery of quality, comprehensive and culturally appropriate health care services to special population patients.
NC Farmworker Advocacy Network (FAN)
FAN is a statewide network of organizations that work to improve living and working conditions of farmworkers and poultry workers in North Carolina. Since 2003, full members have brought workers’ voices to the legislative process. In the past, FAN has identified and led campaigns to improve housing conditions, pesticide safety and wages.
NC Justice Center – Workers’ Rights Project
The Workers’ Rights Project conducts regular visits to the camps where migrant farmworkers live in order to advise them of their rights, and provides legal representation to farmworkers and H-2B workers whose rights had been violated. In addition, they advocate for laws that improve the working and living conditions of migrant workers.
Student Action with Farmworkers (SAF)
Student Action with Farmworkers works with farmworkers, students, and advocates in the Southeast and nationwide to create a more just agricultural system. Since 1992, they have engaged thousands of students, farmworker youth, and community members in the farmworker movement.
National Organizations
Health Outreach Partners (HOP)
Provides training, consultation, and information services to community-based organizations.
Farmworker Justice
Seeks to empower migrant and seasonal farmworkers to improve their living and working conditions, immigration status, health, occupational safety, and access to justice.
MHP Salud
Implements Community Health Worker programs to empower underserved Latino communities and promotes the CHW model nationally as a culturally appropriate strategy to improve health.
Migrant Clinicians Network
Provides bridge case management, support, technical assistance, and professional development to clinicians in Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) and other health care delivery sites with the ultimate purpose of providing quality health care that increases access and reduces disparities for migrant farmworkers and other mobile underserved populations.
National Center for Farmworker Health
Dedicated to improving the health status of farmworker families by providing information services, training and technical assistance, and a variety of products to community and migrant health centers nationwide, as well as organizations, universities, researchers and individuals involved in farmworker health.