Updated: January 4, 2021
Essential Recommendations Checklist for Farmers and their Employees (PDF)
This is a checklist for COVID-19 essential risk mitigation strategies for farms. It is only a guide and should be adapted to the context of each facility. A full set of guidance can be found here.
NCDHHS Interim Guidance for Migrant Farmworkers and Their Employers (PDF)
Essential Recommendations Checklist for Farmers
and their Employees (PDF)
COVID-19 can spread easily in settings with many people living in close proximity, including living facilities for migrant farmworkers. Farm owners and managers who provide housing for migrant workers should implement plans to prevent exposure to the virus that causes COVID-19, care for individuals with COVID-19, and prevent the spread of the disease.
NCDHHS Guía interina para trabajadores agrícolas migrantes y sus empleadores (PDF)
COVID-19 se puede propagar fácilmente en lugares donde muchas personas viven en condiciones apretadas, tales como viviendas para albergar a trabajadores agrícolas migrantes. Los dueños de granjas, gerentes, y todos los que proporcionan vivienda a trabajadores agrícolas migrantes deben implementar planes para evitar que se expongan al virus que causa el COVID-19, para que se atiendan a personas que posiblemente han sido infectadas por el COVID-19 o que ya han sido confirmadas con la enfermedad, y para prevenir la propagación de la enfermedad entre sus trabajadores.
Downloadable PDF posters
- Hand-washing poster
- Hand-washing poster (Spanish)
- Protecting Agricultural Workers from COVID-19
- Protecting Agricultural Workers (Spanish)
- What to do if you have symptoms
- What to do if you have symptoms (Spanish)
- How to wear a fabric mask (PNG image)
- How to wear a fabric mask (PNG image in Spanish)
- CDC Stop the Spread of Germs Poster (Spanish) / Detenga la Propagación de los Microbios (CDC) Poster
- CDC COVID-19 Symptoms Poster (Spanish) / Poster: Síntomas de la Enfermedad del Coronavirus 19
Authorization Letters / Cartas de autorización
- NCDA&CS Work Authorization Letter for Essential Food and Agricultural Employee / NCDA&CS Carta de Autorización Para Empleado(a) Agrícola y Alimentaria Esencial
- Agrigultural Worker Bulk Grocery Purchase Authorization Letter / Aviso de Autorización de Compra a Granel para Trabajadores Agrícolas Temporales