Below are a few resources that may be helpful in your work with farmworkers and their families.
Enroll in the Migrant Clinicians Network
One of the current concerns with vaccine management is ensuring farmworkers receive their second dose. If your patient may need to move before receiving their second dose of one of the COVID-19 vaccines, please enroll them in the free Migrant Clinicians Network (MCN). To learn more about the process, please visit MCN’s website here.
The 3 things needed are:
1. Signed consent for release of information
2. Participant information sheet
3. A copy of their first vaccine record
A bilingual case manager will contact them to help facilitate their second shot.
Flyers, posters, and handouts
In addition to the materials available on the NC DHHS website, here are additional resources that may be helpful for outreach to farmworkers and their families.
Immigrants and the COVID-19 vaccine flyer, from NC Justice Center (PDF)
Inmigrantes y la vacuna contra el COVID-19, de NC Justice Center (PDF)
Vacúnate 4×6 postcard, from NC DHHS (PDF)
Qué tan confiables y efectivas llegan a ti las vacunas contra COVID-19 (PDF)
10 datos que debes conocer sobre las vacunas contra COVID-19 (PDF)